Named Spells, Spell Alchemy, Magic in General
Magic in General "Spells" as organic life forms know them are something slightly more. They're similar to germs or viruses; things we share the world with, but cannot see with our naked eye. To "cast" these "spells" is to capture and dominate these life forms, to take them into your mind and then later exerting your will over them to force them to manifest their power back into the organic world. Spells are as intelligent as you or I and the process of dominating one may be as unique or as mundane the conversation you make with a stranger on the street. This confrontation might be as simple as fighting the spell and besting it in combat, or a contest of intellect like a game of Chess or a riddle, or something more abstract. Whatever form this battle of wills takes, the DM should take care to ensure that it is a worthy contest - the character will gain a new spell if they win, after all, so it shouldn't be trivial. Those who cannot cast magic have l...