Spell List - Filth Sorcerer

 Filth Sorcerer

  1. Slough - R: Touch T: Creature D: Variable, allows the target to slough something off, happens in 4 minus [Dice] Rounds.

  2. Decompose - R: Touch T: Non Living D: Instant, target decays as though it had been rotting for [Sum] Days/Weeks/Months/Years for number of [Dice] invested.

  3. Befriend Poison or Disease - R: Touch T: Poison or Disease D: [Sum] Minutes, Speak to a poison or disease for the duration; it initially regards you favorably.

  4. Stinking Cloud - R: Touch T: Self D: [Sum] Rounds, Exude a cloud of filth [Sum] feet around you. Entering the cloud prompts a morale roll at a [Dice] penalty. The cloud deals 1 damage on entrance and 1 damage for each turn started in it.

  5. Spores - R: Touch T: - D: [Sum] Minutes/Hours/Days/Weeks, You leave behind spores of filth and will immediately know if someone disturbs these spores for the duration.

  6. False Life - R: Touch T: Dead [Sum] Seconds/Turns/Minutes/Ten Minutes, You can cause the process of decay to loop and mimic a creature breathing, heart beating, blood pumping for the duration. [Dice] bonus to any checks made to fool onlookers.

  7. Blight - R: Touch  T: Living Plants, Soil, Water D: Instant, You touch a target and despoil all of the target within [Dice] x 10 Square Feet

  8. Contagion - R: 10’ T: Living Creature D: Instant, You become a vessel for filth and sickness. Touch a diseased person or thing and you can pass it on through touch or breath within [Dice] Seconds/Turns/Minutes/Hours. If you don’t pass the disease on within the allotted time, you’re now infected.

  9. Insect Plague - R: 30’ T: Creature D: [Sum] Turns, You mark a creature for death and summon a cloud of insects to eat of and lay eggs in this person they think is dead. Swarm has [Dice] Hit Dice and does [Dice] damage per turn to a single target or may split the damage between [Dice] targets.

  10. Feast on the Rot - R: Touch T: Freshly Dead D: Instant, Touch a corpse and absorb [Sum]/2 

  11. Transformative Decay - R: Touch T: Non Living D: Instant, Target decays on a macro scale, undergoing the effects of [Sum] x 1,000/10,000/100,000/1,000,000 years

  12. Filth Personified - R: Touch T: Self D: [Sum] Turns, Become an ooze with [Dice] bonus to your attack and damage roll and [Sum] HP.


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