GLOG: Justiciar

 You're the closest thing anyone in this god forsaken hellscape is going to get to a fair trial. You travel the land settling disputes. It's your duty to right wrongs and make sure good prevails, but what's a little slip up here and there? A little corruption, as a treat.

Have your player think of 3 to 5 acts that should be punishable by death, these will be the [Crimes] referred to later.


Starting Equipment: Your Burden, an impractical weapon or tool that is the symbol of your office of Justiciar. Roll on the table below or come up with your own, the weirder the better.


  1. Massive zweihander with a shattered blade, still long enough to call a shortsword, clearly made for a giant.

  2. Strangely preserved corpse, pale and cold to the touch, doesn’t seem any worse for the wear after its use as a bludgeoning weapon.

  3. Spinal column and severed head of a corpse, head is grizzly, column remarkably clean and held together by wire.

  4. A tree stump, dragged by a large twisting root; the last one after the others had apparently been trimmed away.

  5. An old fraying noose with a hangman’s knot, the rope is as thick as your thigh.

  6. A live hive of hornets and the branch they made it on.

  7. A bell fit for a church tower, there’s a large crack up the middle and it makes no sound at all if you strike it.

  8. Shattered remains of a grandfather clock.

Witness - You have one of those faces; trustworthy. Folks think you look honest and they want to believe you are, even if what you say stretches the bounds of belief. +[Justiciar templates] bonus to any attempt to persuade. Moreover, people act on your words quickly and without considering the greater implications of their actions. When you rouse a mob they have a [Justiciar templates] bonus to morale.

Jury - You have a weapon or tool - the Burden of your office of Justiciar. Its weight is such that you can scarcely drag it behind you. Justiciars move at half speed. Your Burden leaves an indelible trail behind you as you drag it. You automatically fail all stealth checks. When you’re called to judge the rightful party in an interpersonal dispute or prove the veracity or falsity of an accusation that has been leveled, you may deliberate in the usual manner or put the aggrieved to a Justiciar’s Trial. Have the defendant, the aggrieved, or both attempt to complete a task with your Burden; when doing this the Burden changes any and all of its physical properties to suit you and guilt or innocence is assigned at your whim. You’re also able to manipulate your Burden this way if you’re executing someone with your Burden in your official capacity as Justiciar.

Judge - You are a Legislator; you speak law into being and reality folds in upon itself to agree with you. +4 Law Dice. Expend a number of LD to bring a law - of the legal or natural sense into being. You decide who or what is the subject of the law, what the law restricts or protects, and what the punishment is for running afoul of this new law, if applicable. This law immediately affects [Sum] x [Dice] of the nearest applicable subjects and these Dice are gone until you have presided honestly as Jury over that many cases.

Executioner - Who pronounces the sentence of death must carry it out. You are no different. No sooner does the word leave your mouth than your eyes shift to an unnatural color; a harbinger. You are not a master; not in control. You are a gate that has been thrown open, and 4d6 wolves burst forth from your eyes, causing you 1 damage/wolf. The wolves are metaphysical agents of Order here to enforce the Laws you have laid down, regardless of the merit or sense of those laws. They won’t attack anything or anyone that hasn’t broken a Law and they must be directed toward law breakers. Direct them to a man, Jacob Innsley; to a scent, the rose perfumed women; to a sign, the black cloaked strangers; to an action, whoever stole the doll; or to a place, the Smiling Fool tavern and all its occupants. The wolves will mete out your Justice and leave you to wade through the viscera.

Use the wolves sparingly, they smell the stench of your sins and they salivate over the soft meat of your throat. The wolves have a [Crimes] in 6 chance of turning on you when summoning them.

These wolves use the statistics of dire wolves; if that’s not applicable use bears.


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