Cleric of Disbelief and Chemomancer GLOG Class

 Anti Cleric/Cleric of Disbelief

A: Gate Keeper, Disbelieve the Illusion, +1 DD

B: Turn False Prophet, Reject Reality, +1 DD

Starting Items: Book of heresies concerning 1d4 local religions/faiths/belief systems, a disguise that allows you to move freely in the institutions of the largest faith in the area, a fire starting kit - tinder, flint, steel and an ampule of Ghoul’s Fire.

Disbelief Dice (DD): Start with 1, gain another at template B. Same size as standard Magic Dice or equivalent in your hack. DD are lost forever when rolled. New DD are gained when you destroy a holy site or artifact, when you give someone a crisis of faith, when someone renounces their faith because of you, when you kill a high ranking religious official, when you give a high ranking religious official a crisis of faith or get them to renounce their faith, and when you snuff out a particular religion entirely. DD can’t be spent to cast magic, but can be counted as tinkerers dice or what have you for other “fax and logic” classes.

Gate keeper - Gatekeep an aspect of your target’s identity - their job, title, hobby, skillset, societal status, relationship, knowledge -  by telling them they’re not a real “aspect” unless they can best you in a challenge related to that aspect, in a reasonable timeframe for that task. If they fail to do so, the world ceases to recognize that aspect of them and they lose societal, material and monetary privileges of that lost aspect.

For example “A real lumberjack could build a log cabin before the first snowfall of the year.” If you build the cabin before your target, they lose their very essence of lumberjack ness. Their tree axes and saw are always dull, trees just won’t seem to fall for them, their beards fall out and grow back patchy if they even grow back, the alternating colors of their flannels fade into a solid color shirt, they find they’re no longer employed at the logging company they think they work at, etc 

Turn False Prophet - You always know when someone is not what they claim to be and you can “turn” them. This follows the mechanics of Turn Undead in your system. If you use your Gatekeeper ability to invalidate an aspect of someone’s identity, they now count as a claiming to be something they are not and can be effected by this ability, unless they publicly renounce that aspect of their identity.

Disbelieve the illusion - Roll your disbelief dice against the effect you wish to disbelieve. If you roll under the damage or save, the effect is real, but lessened; flesh damage becomes grit damage, grit damage becomes stress damage, stress damage is dismissed entirely. If you roll over the damage or save then the effect doesn’t happen outright or becomes an illusion that has no effect on you.

Reject Reality - As “Disbelieve the Illusion”, but applicable to physical objects, living creatures, etc. Roll 1D20, there is a [Witnesses] chance in 20 that the reality you reject will reappear within 1d6 days. If any of the witnesses are Clerics, there is a [Clerics] chance in 20 that the reality is not rejected at all. You can add Disbelief Dice to these rolls, but you lose them as long as the reality you rejected is gone.


Starting Equipment: 1d6+1 syringes, with 1d4-1 drugs, a gas mask, set of beakers and vials, and one vial of NullTM “The Anti Drug”.

A: Fuel for the Fire, Intoxicating Blood

B: Organic Chemist, Poisoned Blood
C: +1 Formula, Enabler
D: Numb, +1 Formula, Master Chemist

Fuel For the Fire: Sacrifice [Doses] of each drug you currently have to give yourself a [Doses] bonus to your next non combat roll.

Intoxicating Blood: Your blood is drugs, bleed yourself - 1d4 WOUNDS/Dose - to share the high.

Organic Chemist: You can synthesize the next drug you take. Take 1d4 STRESS to manufacture it. Drug permanently replaces one of your bodily fluids, other than blood.

Poisoned Blood: Enemies who deal you [WOUNDS] in melee must Save vs the drug you’re using now, at a penalty of [WOUNDS], or fall under its effects.

+1 Formula: You can synthesize another drug, replaces another bodily fluid.

Enabler: Receive a bonus and a penalty to any positive and negative effects of drugs you take equal to the number of NPCs or Player Characters you have caused to overdose on said drug.

Numb: Track WOUNDS, but ignore them until the drugs wear off. All STRESS is halved.

Master Chemist: Deal 1d4 WOUNDS to a willing target to bleed them and synthesize one of their character abilities with it. This is now a one time use drug. No effect on donor. 3d6 WOUNDS to a non Chemomancer - if they live, they gain the ability for an hour. If you take it, 1d4 WOUNDS, gain the ability for 1d4 hours.

NullTM “The Anti Drug” : Injection immediately ends the effects of all drugs and deals 3d6 WOUNDS to a Chemomancer or 1d4 WOUNDS to anyone else.

Chemomancer is for a project that Sundered World is working on and built more towards his system.


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